Claire, Spencer & Atticus | Toronto Family Photographer

TWINS!! This shoot goes back to the last few days of August – when it was still so warm out that you could have your newborn outside in nothing but a onesie, or in this case newborns. I had a great time with big sister Claire and her handsome little brothers (identical twin brothers!), Spencer and Atticus. I don't know what it is these days in Bloor West, but twins seem to be everywhere! Something in the water!?! Anyways, these little guys are adorable and there is no need to worry at all about Claire having to compete for attention as she has a personality as bright and fun as the purple flowers she picked during the shoot.

Cohen | Toronto family photographer

I have lots of blog posts to catch up on! Starting here with Mike, Melissa and their adorable little guy, Cohen. We had a lovely (early) morning at the park and Cohen, who had just turned one, showed off how well he can walk. I'm in love with those big brown eyes... he's going to break hearts with those one day.

This last shot was my favourite from the morning. xx

The T Family | Toronto Family Photographer

I was lucky enough to meet with this lovely family twice this summer. Early in June I met the whole family together and we went to the park, and then again in late August to focus more on sweet little Lily. Being the baby girl of the family of course means that Lily is adored by everyone, especially her big brother Alistair. He is so kind and loving towards his sister – it melted my heart to watch him hug and kiss her, and at one point he announced that she is his favourite thing in the whole world... even more than lego.


Happy Friday! xx


Carolyn | Toronto Family Photographer

Well September certainly came in with a bang! I can't believe it's already mid-month! And over 2 weeks since my last post. Six photo sessions later and I'm one busy lady trying to keep up with editing while chasing after Robin (who is on the move and into everything these days!). This post is of one of Robin's adorable little friends, Carolyn! Her and Robin were born only 3 days apart and they sit beside each other in music class every Tuesday. It's been quite fun to watch them grow the past few months, hitting all the milestones together. (Although this past Tuesday, Carolyn motored around the room on her hands and knees like a champ, while Robin sat in the exact same spot for the entire 45 minutes staring at the guitar in deep thought).

Carolyn is gorgeous, and sweet, and funny. She had no problem hanging out with her parents for an evening, with me tagging along, and she gave us lots of smiles and giggles. I had a wonderful time getting to know her better and watching her interact with her parents. A truly loving family – people like this make me love what I do.

I've been working on some changes to the blog including how I post images. It might take me a few weeks to sort out so bear with me.

Have a great weekend! xx

The S Family | Toronto Family Photographer

My adorable neighbors :-) How lucky did we feel when we found out that we had moved across the street from these two!?! Shortly after Robin was born, they showed up at our front door with some freshly baked ginger cookies (which just happen to be my favourite) and after spending the night chatting and enjoying some wine (I think I spent most of the time vigorously bouncing Robin), it was easy to see we'd be friends. At the time, Lesley and Naveen had probably just found out that they were expecting. And now here we are, approximately 9 months later, and Robin has a lovely new friend, Luke, and we have another set of "new-parent friends" that we can spend hours discussing feeding schedules and sleep training with.

I am so excited to watch this family grow. xx



Finn's 1st Birthday

Happy Tuesday! Okay, so I'm late posting these. I have to admit, I haven't had the best process in place for editing and blogging. But I have been making changes to my workflow and things are definitely speeding up! Finn is my sister's baby... third baby to be exact! It's tough being the youngest with a very outgoing, inquisitive older sister and a very energetic, spirited older brother. But Finn takes it all in stride. Finn's siblings, Ivey and Hudson, were the inspiration for my first DSLR. My sister and I scrapbooked together (yep, I'm a huge scrapbooking fan and not afraid to admit it!) and I used to surprise her with books for the kids for Christmas (knowing she was super busy and didn't have time to complete all the projects she wanted to). Used to. Now that I have a baby of my own, the scrapbook supplies sit on the shelf untouched. I haven't had time to work on anything for Robin, let alone poor Finn. So feeling guilty that I haven't done any special projects for him, I really wanted to do a birthday photoshoot for just Finn. I can't believe a year has gone by already!

From Finn's newborn shoot, one year ago...

And as a tribute to my original inspiration, a few of Ivey and Hudson, who have grown up so much this past year...

My sister and I had an argument last night. For those who know us, you know how close we are. She's my very best friend so it kills me when there is tension between us.

Dana, I hope this cheers you up! I'm sorry. xx


Spring!?! Is that finally you?

It is such a relief to have the weather finally improving! So earlier this week I took Robin outside and for the first time we did a mini-photo session in the backyard! (Note, the backyard is a serious work-in-progress. While it looks pretty rough, this is actually a pretty big improvement from what it was before. Kyle is desperate to grow the grass from seed... we'll see what happens). We were only out for about 15 minutes because it is still pretty chilly but Robin seemed to enjoy it. She is sitting up now on her own which gives her a whole new perspective on the world.

And a few self-ies taken inside. CHEESY, but I don't care :-)

My favourite from the day...

Kyle doesn't get it because it's out of focus. But that's what I like about it.

i'm loving valentine's day

This year I have the sweetest little valentine in the whole world! We spent a few minutes this afternoon taking a few photos to document the occasion. This next pic was inspired by the photographer who took Robin's newborn photos. The framed photo is one of my most treasured possessions. Thank you Scarlet!

Happy Valentine's Day.