Wow, I'm down to only a few shoots left for 2013, and we have ended up with SO MUCH SNOW! I couldn't be more thrilled! Christmas is less than 2 weeks away and I was able to enjoy a cozy Saturday morning with this new family of four, complete with a fire in the fireplace while it snowed like crazy outside. Here's a sneak peek of baby T and his adoring family...
Baby A and Family | Toronto Newborn Photographer
This was one of my last sessions of the summer and as the days get colder, I'm already longing for a warm sunny day. Am I the only one who is terribly disappointed to have to wear socks!?! I love this family. Pretty much that sums it up. They are always so easy-going and there is never a shortage of laughter. Could be because little Astrid says and does the funniest things (as 2-year olds do). And throwing a baby boy into the mix just means double the hugs and cuddles. AND, they have the coolest names. ever. Astrid and August. Why didn't I think of those names!?!
And here they are...
Baby J | Toronto Newborn Photographer
This is how I found her...
I walked into her sunny room and met sweet baby Jocelyn for the first time. I knew how long her parents had waited for her, how much she was wanted, how much she was already loved, and I just couldn't hold it together – tears were flowing, nose was running and tissues were definitely needed. Thankfully her parents are good friends of ours and I assured them that I don't normally burst into tears at newborn sessions.
Jocelyn slept peacefully while I pulled myself together, and the rest of the morning was spent taking photos of this sweet family.
Jocelyn is beautiful and we couldn't be happier for you three! xx
Baby C & Family | Toronto Newborn Photographer
My good friend Ryan welcomed a new little man into her life a few weeks ago and I had the honour of capturing her beautiful, growing family.
Congratulations you three. xx
Baby E & Family | Toronto Newborn Photographer
This sweet family welcomed their newest member at the end of July, and I got to spend a sunny morning with them shortly after. Baby E fits rights in and is clearly receiving LOTS of cuddles and kisses from Mom and Dad and her proud big brother.
Twelve weeks already?!?
It’s hard to believe that it has been almost 3 months since our little Brooke came into our lives. “Brookie”, as Robin calls her, definitely feels like part of the Walker clan now. When Robin talks about her family, she always includes her "baby girl sister" (not to be confused with a "baby boy brother"). She's eager to help with Brooke's bath and bedtime and is always trying to give Brooke toys. Now if only she could grasp the concept of "gentle"... Thankfully, Brooke has come out of that insanely fussy newborn stage (man, what is it with weeks 6 to 9!?! ). She's almost always happy and to my delight, gives me smiles and coos all day long.
All tuckered out...
And here are a few shots of "life" taken over the last 6 weeks. It's crazy how quickly they grow and change.
Good morning big sister!
Daddy and his girls
Helping mom with the laundry
"Here you go Brookie"
The "great flood of 2013"
My big girl...
I've started shooting again (already booking into September!) and there are so many bumps and babies this summer – how fitting! I'm going to be catching up on some blog posts over the next couple of weeks so stay tuned. Lots of baby-goodness coming your way.
life at 'almost' 5 weeks...
It has been almost 5 weeks now since Brooke joined our family and things are finally settling down and starting to feel normal – the new normal, that is. Kyle and I are head over heels in love with our new baby girl during the day, although she's less than our favourite person during the night. Robin has accepted that Brooke is here to stay and is embracing her role as big sister – reminding us daily that Brooke used to be in Mom's tummy (yep, that's right – I'm "Mom" these days, not Mommy). I'm taking photos as much as possible, and often just on my iphone, but it's tough when you're chasing after a preschooler and taking care of a newborn (I'd totally forgotten how much attention a newborn really does need – the few minutes I get to myself needs to be used for the vitals - washroom, food & sleep!). So my goal is to at least mark the milestones with my camera – one month old being one of them. These shots were taken last Friday afternoon at 4 weeks and 1 day, and it worked out perfectly that Robin woke up from her nap just as I was getting started. We made it about 10 minutes just hanging out on our bed, with Robin singing songs and cuddling with Brooke. But then the camera had to be hastily put away and Brooke rescued from Robin's interpretation of "5 Little Monkey's Jumping on the Bed"
My newest muse... Introducing Brooke
We welcomed our beautiful baby girl, Brooke Helen, into the world last Thursday. It’s been an amazing week to say the least, filled with so much love and support from our friends and family. Robin is adjusting well to her new role as big sister and is so far eager to hug and kiss Brooke, share her toys and oversee that Brooke always has a blankie (just like hers). Although I’m still recovering from the birth, sleep deprived, and hormonal, I’ve never felt so happy. Cheesy, but true.
I finally spent a few minutes snapping some photos of Brooke yesterday, at 7 days old.
And a few highlights from her first week...
Baby L | Toronto Newborn Photographer
Last summer, I had the pleasure of spending a beautiful day capturing this couple's wedding vows and reception up in Muskoka...
And 9 months later, I was delighted to meet the newest addition to their family! He might look like a tiny peanut, but he was actually born early and still weighed in at a good size. This guy takes after his Daddy!
Baby G | Toronto Baby Photographer
This family is near and dear to my heart as we've become friends over the past 2 years. Last summer, they welcomed a fourth member into the family – baby G. We had a beautiful summer day for G's newborn photos.
And 6 months later (on a much colder February day), I spent some time again with baby G. His mom and I agree that this is just one of the sweetest stages that babies go through. They're sitting up, but not yet crawling or walking. And they are still so happily entertained by the simple things – toes and feet, Sophie the giraffe, and of course Mom's smiling face...
Oh my, don't you just want to squeeze him!?! 6-7 months is a GREAT age for a photo session and I (although biased) highly recommend it. It's a time that goes by much too fast.