On the eve of my daughter's first birthday I feel such a mix of emotion – I'm not going to lie, I've spent the better part of the day fighting back tears. And whenever I've had a spare minute or two, I've been scrambling to pull together some of my favourite photos from the past year. These made me cry, smile and laugh. I posted on Facebook earlier today that I'd be willing to go through childbirth again if it meant I could relive this past year. I'd do it in a heartbeat. To have my tiny newborn cozied into my arms again – nothing to do but breastfeed and watch 'How I Met Your Mother' re-runs. And then to watch her grow so quickly every day – making discoveries and learning new tricks. I can't believe how excited I was the first time she used her finger to poke at something. I'm pretty sure I called Kyle at work to tell him. And the past few weeks have definitely been the most exciting. Robin now stands and pushes her toys around. She's a pro at emptying the kitchen drawers, claps on demand, bounces to music, and can wave goodbye. She screams DaDa when she's happy, and moans MaMa when she's sad. And like typical new parents, Kyle and I think she's the best thing since sliced bread.
So here's a year-in-review of my little girl, Robin.
The photos above with the pink PJs were taken after she said "DaDa" two mornings in a row when Kyle went in her room to say hello. She's loves seeing him before work. And the last one is from our trip to the apple farm last weekend. I'll post a birthday photo tomorrow :-)