Settle down and stop your crying...

A few weeks ago, during a discussion regarding Robin's upcoming last day of preschool, I said to her "Mommy is going to be very sad on your last day of school Robin… I might even cry" To which Robin replied, "And I'll tell you to settle down and stop your crying!"

Well her last day is finally here. Today Robin says goodbye to the preschool room at her daycare. She is taking the summer off to enjoy some day camps, trips to the cottage and some good old-fashioned sandbox play in the backyard.

This girl. I can't quite believe how much she has grown and changed lately. She's developing a sense of humour, enjoying activities like dance and gymnastics, coming up with new ideas and questions, and is thrilled to be starting kindergarten in the fall. We even removed "the fence" from her bed last week (aka: the railing). She's a full-on big kid now.
