We've been so lucky to have such great weather the past few weeks so like most people, I've been taking advantage and enjoying as much time outdoors as I can with Robin. And I thought it was about time I posted some current photos of her. This was our first night playing outside after dinner a few weeks ago. You would think that it's late April or May, not March! Robin is more and more a little girl these days, and less and less a baby. It makes me swell with pride to watch her play and do more for herself; she is becoming so independent. But it also breaks my heart. I dragged her out of her crib last night so I could hold her asleep in my arms for a few minutes. Luckily she was out cold and slept right through the transfer. She barely fits into my arms now. As I felt her chest rising up and down against mine and listened to her quiet, laboured breathing (she has a cold), I was acutely aware that this is a time that I will look back on with so much fondness, but also with regret. As much as I savour these moments, I know I will always feel like I should have done more. More cuddling, more kissing, more squeezing.
More being-in-the-moment-and-forgetting-everything-else.
I took Robin for a haircut a few days later. Yikes, she really had a Justin Bieber/mullet look going on!