The Y Family | Toronto Family Photographer

Curious to know what a Mini-Session looks like? Here's one of my favourites from last fall.

Family Lifestyle Portrait Session |Kimberly Walker | Toronto Family PhotographyFamily Lifestyle Portrait Session | Kimberly Walker | Toronto Family PhotographyFamily Lifestyle Portrait Session | Kimberly Walker | Toronto Family PhotographyFamily Lifestyle Portrait Session | Kimberly Walker | Toronto Family PhotographyFamily Lifestyle Portrait Session | Kimberly Walker | Toronto Family PhotographyFamily Lifestyle Portrait Session | Kimberly Walker | Toronto Family PhotographyFamily Lifestyle Portrait Session | Kimberly Walker | Toronto Family PhotographyFamily Lifestyle Portrait Session | Kimberly Walker | Toronto Family PhotographyFamily Lifestyle Portrait Session | Kimberly Walker | Toronto Family PhotographyFamily Lifestyle Portrait Session | Kimberly Walker | Toronto Family PhotographyFamily Lifestyle Portrait Session | Kimberly Walker | Toronto Family PhotographyFamily Lifestyle Portrait Session | Kimberly Walker | Toronto Family PhotographyFamily Lifestyle Portrait Session | Kimberly Walker | Toronto Family PhotographyFamily Lifestyle Portrait Session | Kimberly Walker | Toronto Family PhotographyFamily Lifestyle Portrait Session |Kimberly Walker | Toronto Family Photography

I will be releasing details for Spring Mini-Sessions next week. These spots fill up fast and will not be offered again until mid to late summer. Let me know if you are interested and I'll put you on the early-bird list for the details.

G & R | Preview | Toronto Family Photographer

I met two sweet boys earlier this week...Kimberly Walker Photography | | #kimberlywalkerKimberly Walker Photography | | #kimberlywalker

Kimberly Walker Photography |kimberlywalkerphotography.comWhile a family session is planned for later this spring, their mom wanted some photographs to capture the stages they are at now, so a mini-session worked out perfectly. I can't wait to see these little guys again in a few months...

Change is in the air...

The painters are upstairs working away as I type this post (yes, painters – don't judge). This was Robin's last morning in her nursery (although she may end up sleeping in there a few more nights until her new room is set up). But it won't be the same now that all of her things have been moved out and the walls are changing colour. I'm excited for her to sleep in a real bed and have a bit more space for toys a books, but it was heartbreaking to take down the artwork and essentially "tear apart" the space that has been hers for the past 2 years. Time has gone by so quickly and I will cherish the memories I have of us together in here – hours of nursing in the rocker, quiet afternoons reading books and a smiling face peeking out from the crib bars in the morning. I  was only able to snap a few photos as I told her that it was time to get ready for school.  I had planned to not rush the morning, but once she picked our her favourite Sesame Street t-shirt to wear, she was was dressed in about 20 seconds flat and running out the door. Sniff sniff.


Of all books to choose to look at on this morning... one of our favourites.And a quick peak at her soon-to-be new room! I had hoped to get a "before" shot before the light fixture went up, but this change happened unexpectedly last night. (Go Kyle! and the electrician that he paid...)Ready for the move.

The L Family | Toronto Family Photographer

This was my first shoot of 2013 and what better way to kick off the year than with a family that is near and dear to my heart. Big sister Veronica was happy to show off her little brother Jason and gave me some great smiles and giggles along the way

Macaroni + Watermelon | Toronto Family Photographer

As a mom, one of the things I feel most guilty about is not taking enough pictures of my child. (Side note: What's with the guilt that comes along with being a parent!?! – a whole other discussion for another day). "Whaaaat!?!?" you say to yourself. How can you be a photographer and not take enough photos of your own kid? Well, it's actually pretty easy to fall into a rut of not taking photos. The light is bad. We're too busy. My camera is too heavy. I'm tired.  The list goes on. So lately, I've taken a new approach to the photography of my own family. Quality, not quantity. When my friends ask for tips on taking better photos of their kids, this is something I always suggest. Rather than trying to pull your camera out for every occasion, set aside time once every few weeks and spend a couple of minutes capturing the moment. By "capturing the moment" I mean, choosing an activity or event, and taking the time to document all the details. I'm using Robin's lunch today as an example. She's 18 months (almost 19 months) and I've only taken photos of her a couple of times in the last few weeks. Every time I look at her, I feel a wave of emotion. Pride (she's growing so quickly and doing more and more each day), laughter (she looks a bit ridiculous right now with her chubby cheeks and bowl cut) and this achy feeling which I can't really describe in words (my baby is not really a baby anymore). I want to capture her, right now, so I can look back in weeks, months, and years, and feel the same way I do now. To most people, photos of a kid eating her macaroni and watermelon aren't that exciting or spectacular. But to me, it's a glimpse into my life. My real life. Right now.

So after all this rambling, here's my tip for moms (or dads!). Every once in a while, stop and spend a few minutes taking photos of an "everyday" activity or task. Take as many photos as you can in those minutes. Stand back and get as much of the room as you can. Get in as close as you can. Shoot from every different angle you can think of. One of my favourite things to do is to take a shot looking down through our chandelier in our kitchen. Be creative. Shoot the details. If you are inside, what's on the walls or the floor? If you are outside, what's around you? Trees, flowers, signs, cars. When it comes time to put together a photo book (which I recommend you do!), you will be able to create a beautiful spread using multiple photos, which together tell the story of that time, moment, or event.

Outside, after dinner | Toronto Family Photographer

We've been so lucky to have such great weather the past few weeks so like most people, I've been taking advantage and enjoying as much time outdoors as I can with Robin. And I thought it was about time I posted some current photos of her. This was our first night playing outside after dinner a few weeks ago. You would think that it's late April or May, not March! Robin is more and more a little girl these days, and less and less a baby. It makes me swell with pride to watch her play and do more for herself; she is becoming so independent. But it also breaks my heart. I dragged  her out of her crib last night so I could hold her asleep in my arms for a few minutes. Luckily she was out cold and slept right through the transfer. She barely fits into my arms now. As I felt her chest rising up and down against mine and listened to her quiet, laboured breathing (she has a cold), I was acutely aware that this is a time that I will look back on with so much fondness, but also with regret. As much as I savour these moments, I know I will always feel like I should have done more. More cuddling, more kissing, more squeezing.

More being-in-the-moment-and-forgetting-everything-else.

I took Robin for a haircut a few days later. Yikes, she really had a Justin Bieber/mullet look going on!


The L Family | Toronto Family Photographer

I had hoped to get this session posted in time for Family Day, but alas it was delayed a few days. So I'm very happy to finally have some time this morning to share these shots of these beautiful little ladies and their parents. Brena was just shy of her first birthday and big sister Taryn is 3 1/2. Both girls had so much great energy and lovely smiles for me. Back when this session was booked, I wasn't sure what kind of weather we'd be faced with at the end of January, but we ended up with a mild day, perfect for a trip to the park.

Happy Family Day! (Better late than never, right?)