Happy Monday! As I've mentioned (and will probably keep mentioning), the site was down for close to six months so I'm working on catching up on some much-needed blog posts! This one goes back to June (yikes!) and features the winner of the Mother's Day contest I held with Trixie Boutique (one of my favourite places to shop, located here in Bloor West). Jennifer won a $100 shopping spree at the store and a family photoshoot to show off her new clothes (and her cute boys!). This makes me long for spring...
Olenka, Andrei + Bump | Toronto Maternity Photographer
This takes us back to August with a sweet couple expecting their first baby. Olenka had the cutest baby bump and was absolutely glowing (the gorgeous setting sun didn't hurt either!). We became fast friends chatting about weddings, houses and all things baby...
And a little over 6 weeks later... baby makes three!
The L Family | Toronto Family Photographer
This was my first shoot of 2013 and what better way to kick off the year than with a family that is near and dear to my heart. Big sister Veronica was happy to show off her little brother Jason and gave me some great smiles and giggles along the way
Amelia | toronto newborn photographer
I spent a lovely morning with baby Amelia and her mom Sarah back in November. It was a chilly day so we stayed inside for most of the session and put their lovely Victorian windows to use. Amelia's grandparents came by for a visit and it was so sweet to see how smitten they were – and it was wonderful to capture three generations together.
When I first heard from Sarah while she was pregnant with Amelia, her email seemed like a typical inquiry from any other parent... until I scrolled down and read the words "I've chosen to have this baby on my own. Therefore, there won't be a dad at the shoot". As I wrote back to her with the typical details regarding a newborn session, I searched for the right words to say to a woman who I had never met, yet had so much respect and admiration for. So I literally wrote exactly that; I admitted I was a bit choked up, and offered her the same words of encouragement that I would to any expecting parent, "You are making a good decision – although it has its challenges, being a parent is the most amazing experience. It's worth all the work, stress and lack of sleep."
Most parents I know would admit that they have moments where they really question what they got themselves in to, and I can imagine that it is that much greater when you are parenting on your own. But I have a hunch that those same single parents must feel even more joy and pride watching their little ones grow, learn and achieve. They really do have so much to be proud of.
Congratulations Sarah :-) Amelia is the sweetest little thing and I'm so thrilled for you. xx
Back online! | toronto family photographer
Some of you may have noticed that my website and blog have been down for little while... okay, a LONG while. Back in the early fall (heading into my busiest time of the year), I had the bright idea to work with a designer and combine both my portfolio and blog into one site, and alas it look a bit longer than expected. But over the holidays, we finally got it up and running and I am so thrilled to be back online. There has been lots going on over the past few months, so watch out for tons of blog posts coming your way. I was so lucky to have an amazing two week break over Christmas and New Years, with Kyle off work the whole time! (Okay, he went to the office for 1 day, which was okay because I also squeezed a wedding in there and my first family shoot of 2013). Regardless, the last two weeks were awesome – filled with lots of quality time with Kyle and Robin (more time spent together than our honeymoon!), tons of gatherings with family and friends, amazing presents from Santa (so spoiled!), food, more food, and then some more food, and to top it all off – a few amazing snow days!
Life is good and I'm looking forward to sharing more over the next little while. Stay tuned :-)
The Beach | Toronto Family Photographer
It's been awhile since I've posted any shots of my own little world.
Last night, I dragged Kyle and Robin to the east end of the city so I could scout out some locations for a few upcoming photoshoots. In my head, this was going to be a "perfect" evening for us. We'd go for a walk along the sand, dip our feet in the water, relax and take photos of one another while Robin played. It would be killing a bird with two stones – scouting locations AND and an opportunity to take some family shots, something we don't do nearly often enough. Reality set in early on as we struggled to prepare and rush through dinner so we could get to the beach and back before sunset. We arrived to a jam-packed parking lot, and an even more jam-packed beach. There was even a party going on under a tent with loud rave music. We picked our way through the half-nude sunbathers, joggers, dogs, kids and towels, only to realize that the shoreline was quite rough and Kyle hadn't worn shoes that could go into the water. And he also somehow missed the "taking photos" part of my description of the evening, so he'd chosen to wear a man tank-top (is that what you call it?) and super-old, ripped shorts, so he was a bit unhappy to have his photo taken. I struggled to keep Robin (who seems to think that she's an Olympic swimmer) from falling into the water and eventually thrust the camera at Kyle. We lasted about 15 minutes and ended up taking half the beach back home on our legs and feet. It felt like a waste of time, but we joked in the car that at least it had given us something to do before Robin's bedtime.
So I guess it's obvious that I didn't expect to fall in love with these photos the way I have. This is my life right now. I have a husband who wears man tank-tops, a toddler who won't give the camera the time of day, and I'm in desperate need of a new hairstyle. They're not technically correct or perfect, but they're just what I needed.
Matilda | Toronto Newborn Photographer
There's nothing more peaceful than holding a warm, cuddly, sleeping baby on your chest – especially your own. I had the pleasure of spending a lovely morning with sweet Matilda and her parents. I was immediately smitten by her red hair, blue eyes and beautiful baby smile. Her parents welcomed me into their home and trusted me to capture this time for them, which is always an honour and something I am truly grateful for.
The M Family | Toronto Newborn Photographer
Some sweet newborn goodness to kick-off your weekend! You can never have too many cuddles and kisses. And big sister Caroline knows just this and is so proud to show off her new baby brother, Connor. And of course, I was only too happy capture her and her parents joy last Sunday morning.
Happy Friday!!
The N Family | Toronto Family Photographer
I was so excited when Lisa contacted me in the spring about doing a photo session for her parent's 40th wedding anniversary. Lisa, together with her brother and sister-in-law, surprised Sandra and Keith with the session while they were here visiting from out west. A pretty awesome gift if I do say so myself! I absolutely loved my time with this family – they brought a ton of fun and energy to the shoot and naturally hugged, cuddled and showed each other affection, without any prompting from me. At first I wondered if they were acting for the camera, but then I realized, no, this is just how they really are! They love each other and it shows.
Congratulations to Sandra and Keith on 40 years of marriage. A wonderful inspiration.
Croatia | Toronto Family Photographer
After several requests (mainly from my mom and mom-in-law), here is a brief synopsis of our trip to Croatia at the beginning of the month. These photos are a pretty big mix, taken on my 5D, Rebel and point & shoot, so no judging! Robin spent a fun week with Grandma, Poppa, Clooney (the dog) and someone named Debbie. We're not sure who Debbie is, but Robin talks about her a lot! After a teary goodbye, we headed to Pearson airport for our redeye flight!
We're here! After a long journey, we arrived in Dubrovnik. We took a quick nap to readjust ourselves, enjoyed a "kick-off" dinner, and spent the entire next day exploring the old town.
In 40 years???? I hope so.
After two nights in Dubrovnik, we took a long (and expensive) cab ride 3 hours up the coast to Split. From there, we took a catamaran to Hvar Island.
Sorry ladies, he's taken.
We hiked up to the Fortress for the amazing view of Hvar Town and the Adriatic Sea.
After three nights in Hvar, we travelled by catamaran back to Split for our final three nights.
Wine, live music and a medieval cathedral? Yes please.
The view of the sea from our hotel, just outside of Split.
We spent out second last day hiking through Plitvice National Park
Our last day. We enjoyed the water taxi's view, but travelling by car is much faster!
We loved our time together in Croatia, but it was very nice to be home and reunited with Robin.
And there you have it.
Happy long weekend everyone!