Select Holiday Mini-Sessions

The fall mini-sessions were a huge success this year and due to requests as the holidays approach, I am offering additional mini-session spots on select dates. Please email me or fill out the contact form for availability and details. It will be fun to see the kiddos in their "festive" wear. And I'm always a sucker for wooly scarves and hats... Click here for a glimpse of the fall sessions.

Holiday Mini Session| Kimberly Walker_0001

A few mini-session favourites | Toronto Family Photographer

It was tough to narrow down, but here are a few of my favourites from the mini-sessions held two weeks ago. Mini-Session Favourites | Kimberly Walker_0001Mini-Session Favourites | Kimberly Walker_0002Mini-Session Favourites | Kimberly Walker_0003Mini-Session Favourites | Kimberly Walker_0004

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Mini-Session Favourites | Kimberly Walker_0005

Mini-Session Favourites | Kimberly Walker_0020Mini-Session Favourites | Kimberly Walker_0021

I will be holding mini-sessions again in the spring so please email me at  if you are interested in receiving details when the session dates are announced.

Mini-session madness!!! | Toronto Family Photographer

Madness in an amazing, lots of running, lots of cuddling, lots of laughing, and lots of leaves throwing sort-of-way. I am so appreciative of all of the families who came out this weekend and spent a little time in front of my camera. Autumn Mini-Session | Kimberly Walker

Fall Mini-Session with the I Family | Toronto Family Photographer

We lucked out last weekend with beautiful, warm weather for the first round of fall mini-sessions. The next round is on Saturday Oct 18 and there are only two spots left. Click here for details. Here is a snippet of one of the families – yep, all this in just 20 minutes!

Fall Mini Session | Kimberly Walker_0001Fall Mini Session | Kimberly Walker_0002Fall Mini Session | Kimberly Walker_0003Fall Mini Session | Kimberly Walker_0004Fall Mini Session | Kimberly Walker_0005Fall Mini Session | Kimberly Walker_0006Fall Mini Session | Kimberly Walker_0007Fall Mini Session | Kimberly Walker_0008Fall Mini Session | Kimberly Walker_0009Fall Mini Session | Kimberly Walker_0010Fall Mini Session | Kimberly Walker_0011Fall Mini Session | Kimberly Walker_0012Fall Mini Session | Kimberly Walker_0013Fall Mini Session | Kimberly Walker_0014Fall Mini Session | Kimberly Walker_0015Fall Mini Session | Kimberly Walker_0016Fall Mini Session | Kimberly Walker_0017Fall Mini Session | Kimberly Walker_0018Fall Mini Session | Kimberly Walker_0019

Urban sunset with The G Family | Toronto Family Photographer

There's nothing I enjoy more than meeting a new family – especially when they're willing to sacrifice bedtime for a sunset. G Family_0001G Family_0002G Family_0004G Family_0005

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An afternoon with the H Family | Toronto Family Photographer

I spent a sunny afternoon with these three and their parents back in late August. It's hard to believe how quickly the last few weeks have gone by and how the weather and days are changing. Looking at these definitely makes me long for summer again. We started at one of my favourite parks and then headed for a walk through the Junction, finishing up with popsicles. It was the perfect end-of-summer session.






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Baby A + Family | Toronto Newborn Photographer

I met this sweet baby girl and her family in their sun-filled apartment two weeks ago and spent a wonderful morning getting to know them. Baby A had the teeniest little feet and I was immediately in love with her, along with her adorable big brother. After spending some time in indoors, we went for a walk to the local fire hall and enjoyed the fresh air on the first day of summer. Aline_0001Aline_0002Aline_0003Aline_0004Aline_0005Aline_0006Aline_0007Aline_0008Aline_0009Aline_0010Aline_0011Aline_0012Aline_0013 Aline_0034




Settle down and stop your crying...

A few weeks ago, during a discussion regarding Robin's upcoming last day of preschool, I said to her "Mommy is going to be very sad on your last day of school Robin… I might even cry" To which Robin replied, "And I'll tell you to settle down and stop your crying!"

Well her last day is finally here. Today Robin says goodbye to the preschool room at her daycare. She is taking the summer off to enjoy some day camps, trips to the cottage and some good old-fashioned sandbox play in the backyard.

This girl. I can't quite believe how much she has grown and changed lately. She's developing a sense of humour, enjoying activities like dance and gymnastics, coming up with new ideas and questions, and is thrilled to be starting kindergarten in the fall. We even removed "the fence" from her bed last week (aka: the railing). She's a full-on big kid now.
